Fire Department and Rescue Crew

video-format mp4 1920x1080 video-frame-rate 24 fps
I had always thought that offering footage of emergency vehicles would be a good idea since the footage is used in PSAs and other well meaning media. My idea was to stop by fire halls or police stations and ask for close-ups of some of the vehicles, or ride-along on trainings, not poach real accidents. I decided that if I shoot with a focus not so much on the detail, but the feel of the scene, I would be able to sleep at night. This would make a great background for informational text in videos, or to set the mood for more serious projects. Please visit my blog to see all of my stock video offered for free use. You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel or "like" me on facebook using my social media buttons located in my user profile. Just click my name! Ellipsis
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